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22nd January 2024

How Much Protein Do You Need to Gain Muscle Mass Quickly?

Muscle gains are incomplete without proteins!

Proteins are the building blocks for muscles, and hence the key factor in stimulating muscle gains, and repair.

It forms 20% of the whole body, with every cell of our body having some share in this percentage.

Hence the demand for protein is naturally high. Well, most of us are aware that the regular protein requirement shoots up when you step inside a gym. 

But how much protein do you need to gain muscle mass?

People face a lot of difficulties in fulfilling the protein demands for muscle gains because of poor knowledge of the amount of protein to build muscle.

So here we are, with a brief guide for your key to unlocking huge muscle gains.

How Much Protein Do You Need to Gain Muscle Mass?

The protein needs in our body are defined by different factors. 

Out of all these factors, the most important ones are your daily activity, age, and muscle mass.

To be specific, the more muscles you have, the more protein you need to maintain those muscles.

On the other hand, if we throw some more light on your daily activity, the more you train your muscles, the more your protein requirements are to repair those wear and tear.

So, the first step to portioning protein is to be aware of the maintenance levels of protein you daily need.

How Much Protein to Maintain Muscle?

According to a 2018 publication on nutrients, in the UK, the internationally recommended dietary allowance for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of your body weight.

Although the protein requirements vary with your age, composition, and lifestyle, the above value is an average value, for people with a sedentary lifestyle.

However, according to us, the best way to pick out how much protein intake would protect you from muscle mass is by calculating the nutrient profile.

A study published in the Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle, suggests that the calculations of protein requirement are done by a general rule of 1.2 grams of protein per kg body weight for maintaining lean muscles.

But since we want to put on some extra muscles, it's now time to calculate the proteins for muscle gains.

How Much Protein Per Kg for Muscle Gain?

We are gonna answer that with a few studies!

The first study found that it would take 1.6 to 1.7 grams of protein per kg of body weight for people following strength training, to build muscles.

A few years back, the studies conducted took it higher to 1.8 - 2.0 grams of protein per kg of body weight.

Overall, all of the studies showed results that matched the American College of Sports Medicine’s suggestion of sticking to 1.2 - 2.0 grams of protein per kg body weight to build muscles.

So now you know the value, but how to calculate protein intake for muscle gain? 

Well, you can find many online calculators that show your protein intake requirements based on your weight.

After knowing how much protein you need to gain muscle mass many of you might still be boggling over the connection between taking high proteins for muscle gains.

To clear all such confusion and curiosities, let us show you why protein is important for muscle gain.

Importance of Protein for Muscle Gains

Proteins contain amino acids that initiate the process of muscle synthesis.

However, for the amino acids to work for muscle gains, one has to include a serious workout plan in their routine.

When you train your muscles, it undergoes several tears. 

Once these tears are created the amino acids quickly move up to the muscles, producing muscle cells that result in filling up the tear with muscles.

Although this wouldn’t cause big muscle gains.

For big muscle gains, one has to perform high-intensity workouts to create bigger tears for the amino acids to fill up.

Hence, for more muscle gains, you must eat more proteins than your muscles are using up for repair and strengthening.

Overall, keeping a good track of protein intake in your body would help you in:

#1. Maintaining the muscles

#2. Improving muscular strength

#3. Muscle gains

#4. Faster recovery for more workouts

But if you do not consume enough proteins, you won't be able to enjoy any of the above benefits, and it will result in muscle loss.

Now once you are fully aware of how many proteins your body needs, it now time to check on the different ways to fulfill these needs.

How to Get Enough Protein for Muscle Gain?

The following ways would help you meet the protein requirements for muscle preservation and muscle gains:

#1. The Protein Superfoods

You can try adding the following foods to your diet plan:

Lean meat like chicken, turkey, and beef offers 26-30 grams of protein per 100 grams.

Fishes mainly salmon and tuna give you 23 - 25 grams of protein per 100 grams.

Eggs can give you 13 grams of protein per 100 grams

If you are a fan of dairy products, you can add yogurt and cheese to your routine with 10-11 grams of protein per 100 grams, while milk can give you 3.2 grams of protein per 100 ml.

For plant-based options, lentils, chickpeas, and beans are the best sources with a protein content of 8-9 grams per 100 grams.

#2. Protein Mixes

There are many protein mixes available in the market offering choices in different types of protein like:

#1. Whey protein

#2. Casein protein

#3. Hemp protein

These mixes could quick protein charge and are also flavourful with different brands launching delightful flavors now and then.

But when using these mixes make sure you look out for the answers of - “How much protein powder should I take to gain muscle”.

Furthermore, if you are really serious about building muscles and transforming your physique then you must also look for some other tips to gain muscle mass.

Other Tips to Gain Muscle

Having a protein-rich diet is indeed crucial to gaining muscles. But there are some other ways too that help increase your muscle size. 

One such way is using Dianabol steroids which gives you momentous strength and massive muscle gains. 

But unfortunately, it is illegal because of its life-threatening side effects.

That; 's why more and more people are switching to D-Bal max which is a safe, legal, and natural alternative to Dianabol. 

It has all the benefits of Dianabol but without its side effects. 

You will be amazed to see the , this fat burner helps females build a lean, fit, and sexy body in no time with the help of its natural ingredeints like Astragalus. 

Apart from astragalus root, some other ingredients of this supplement are:

1. Capsimax: This is the main ingredient of this supplement, which works as a thermogenic and provides fast results.

2. Chromium: This mineral is effective in boosting metabolism along with controlling the appetite.

3. Caffeine: Caffeine is a natural energy-boosting stimulator that also works as a potent thermogenic.

4. Black pepper: Black pepper, present in the supplement ensures the better absorption of all other ingredients.

Thus, with the help of all these ingredients, Capsiplex Trim results in amazing weight loss results.

Final Thought

After going through the discussion, you must’ve gained a clear view regarding the Astragalus benefits of weight loss.

This traditional Chinese herb is not only beneficial in weight management, rather it can also aid in boosting the overall immune system, reducing inflammation, and protecting against other chronic diseases. 

Its ability to improve insulin sensitivity and increase metabolism has made it a prominent weight loss option. 

You can opt for astragalus extract powder or capsule, along with astragalus root tea to include the goodness of this substance in your daily diet.

However, choosing supplements like Capsiplex Trim can ensure better overall weight management. 

I hope you find this blog informative and if you liked it, do share it with those friends who are struggling with losing weight. 

31st May 2023

What Helps to Boost (HGH) Human Growth Hormones Levels  

Everyone in their life wants growth and development, be it in the metaphorical sense or the physical sense.

For the body, in the physical sense, there are ways one can take to boost their growth and development. 

The body itself works towards development and releases certain hormones that aid growth. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is one of the most important hormones. 

Now, even though the body releases this hormone, there are also external ways that help in boosting its production.

In this blog today, we're going to learn about the ways that help in elevating Human Growth Hormone levels. 

There are certain natural ways that will help you know how to increase human growth hormone naturally along with the mention of external herbs that have been scientifically proven for their efficiency. 

Furthermore, the blog also briefly introduces us to an HGH supplement, namely, GenF20 Plus is most favored by the audience and helps in boosting HGH levels.

What Helps to Boost HGH?

The pituitary gland present in our brain is responsible for the production of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). 

However, there are ways to boost it. Either these ways naturally boost HGH with the help of exercises and foods or use an external source. 

These include herbs or HGH supplements that are highly beneficial for consumption. 

We'll discuss all of that in this section, so let's get started with the natural ways first.

1. Do High-Intensity Exercises

Doing physical exercises is a common approach to accelerate growth and development. Similarly, for boosting the production of Human Growth Hormone naturally, highly intensive exercises are necessary. 

Anaerobic exercises like running, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and weight and resistance training can be extremely beneficial in this.

All this further ultimately contributes to the increase in HGH production which may be both short-term and long-term.

2. Get Restful Sleep

It may seem ironic to discuss resting as something that boosts HGH levels right after discussing intense physical exercises, but it is true nevertheless. 

Sleep relaxes the mind and allows the brain to manage all the functions equally across the body. 

Moreover, it is during deep sleep at night that the HGH levels peak and therefore, it is a must to get a good night's sleep. 

Furthermore, sleep also helps in better digestion and not getting enough of it can lead to several problems that may affect HGH production.

3. Manage your Diet

Apart from taking rest and doing physical exercises, it is also necessary to look after the diet and get over the myths you may have regarding a healthy diet. 

One must avoid all foods that increase blood glucose levels because their increase directly suppresses the HGH levels. 

Furthermore, one should also avoid alcohol and foods with high-fat content, because they affect HGH levels and trigger other health problems.

Apart from excluding the above-mentioned food materials from their diet, some people move to make some inclusions. 

Now, these inclusions may be in the form of macronutrients, micronutrients, herbs, or other supplements.

Herbs to Boost HGH Levels 

Various types of herbs and plants are known to be most effective in boosting HGH levels. These include:

1. Pruriens

Mucuna pruriens is a tropical vine that is mostly known by the name of Velvet Bean. It is a highly beneficial plant that is also used for medicinal treatments. 

Acceleration in the production of Human Growth Hormone levels is one of its multiple benefits that has been proven by scientific experiments.

Additionally, it supports motor skills and coordination of the brain and promotes a healthy nervous system.

2. Camellia Sinensis

Camellia Sinensis, also known as the tea plant, is a shrub whose leaves are mostly used in preparing tea. 

The leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes such as in the treatment of metabolic and endocrine disorders. 

Furthermore, the plant contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that stimulate the production of HGH by working like Gherlin. 50

3. Astragalus Root Extract

Astragalus Root Extract is a herb native to China that translates to "Yellow Leader'' in English. 

The herb is traditionally used for various purposes and has multiple benefits attached to it. 

Apart from encouraging the production of growth hormones, it has other brain-related functions. 

These again include an improved immune system, stress reduction, better digestion, and improved heart health.

These herbs along with others are highly beneficial and are therefore used as ingredients in multiple supplements. 

Some of these are certainly used in human growth hormone supplements as well. 

In fact, the blog gives a brief overview of GenF20 Plus – a supplement that includes Astragalus Root Extract itself as one of its ingredients. 

So, If you were looking for one such HGH supplement containing naturally HGH-boosting herbs then you're right here.

GenF20 Plus

One of the most popular HGH supplements available in the market, GenF20 Plus boosts the natural production of HGH by directly influencing the source of the release. 

The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of important hormones, such as Human Growth Hormone, and GenF20 Plus has ingredients that are extremely beneficial in it.

Apart from the extracts of the Chinese herb Astragalus, GenF20 Plus contains natural ingredients like Deer Velvet Antler and Chromium GTF.

Furthermore, it contains GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid), Tribulus Terrestris, and L-Ornithine HCL along with others that contribute to overall health and development. 

Since it increases HGH production, GenF20 Plus results in all the Growth Hormone related benefits like:-

1. Increase in Lean Body Mass

2. Increase in Strength

3. Reduces Recovery Time

4. Boosts Energy Levels

5. Slows down Aging

However, according to

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